Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kopy Kitten - Kate Bosworth

I know you can't really tell it's Kate, but it is, I promise! I looooooove this outfit, super urban and edgy while also being feminine and pretty... hard to do but she does it. I can't write much, I'm too busy watching the Democratic National Convention. Hahaha, yeah right! I'm too busy watching previews for "The Hole", gosh that looks like a good show! Can't wait!

And here's my more frugal version:
Denim Jacket - $39.99
Floral Blouse - $10.00
Black Skinny Pants - $37.50
Hot Pink Scarf - $12.50
Gray Tank - $7.99
White Sandal - $11.99
Total for Outfit - $119.97


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Kops! Missed you. Question: I'm going to a wedding this weekend and I can't decide between a gold baby doll type dress or a deep purple shift mini. I'm pulling towards the purple dress but I'm thinking I need to wear little shorts or something under it 'cause I plan to dance...A LOT. Any suggestions on what to wear and how to wear it?

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. not crazy about kate boswoth but the outfit is cute. The sandals are the same ! How do you do it I don't know but good job! I'm not crazy about the denim jacket and floral blouse that you pick either but ok. Anyway I love you blog keep posting ! You must be a very funny person! I love reading the posts too.

Anonymous said...

So happy to see your picks again. Keep posting. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey kitten this is a totally random out-of-context question. When you feel down what do you do ? Like if possible , I would like to know what sites you go and stuff plz. If anyone else wants to answer I would like that a lot.

kopy kitten said...

Sorry anonymous.. i can't believe i didn't see your comment about the outfit... i think i would have gone with purple shift dress, but both sound adorbs. When I am down i like to go to and watch dateline murder mysteries... those cheer me right up, especially the unsolved ones... hope that helps! thanks for the support KIMEE, oh.

Unknown said...

When does the men's version of kopy kitten come out. I've been patiently waiting my entire life.

Anonymous said...

Oh where, oh where, has our Kopy Kitten gone;
Oh where, oh where, can she be...

Sara said...

Kitty where did you goooooooooooooooo?
We miss you!!!