Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kopy Kitten - Whitney Port

Oh my little Whitney! I'm so proud of her! Whitney is to the Hills as Holly is to Girls Next Door - they are both passive, genius, robots and I can't stop watching either. This outfit is so Summery and fresh and would be perfect for an evening date or a lunch with the girls. If you don't want to bare your arms, a jean jacket with a popped collar or a little black cardigan would be perfect. Perfect just like Whitney. Who thought a blank stare, zombie accent and a gum smack or two could land a gal her own show. So jealous.

And here's the cheaper version:

Dress - $34.50
Belt - $9.99
Heels - $21.99
Earrings - $3.80
Bangles - $6.80
Necklace - $6.90
Total for outfit - $83.98


Anonymous said...

I thought this was going to be Whitney Houston :(

Anonymous said...

I thought it was going to be Dan Whitney.

Although on second thought, I don't really know how you could do a much cheaper version of a Larry the Cable Guy outfit.

Unknown said...

I was thinking Whitley from "A Different World."
Maybe next week?