Friday, June 6, 2008

Kopy Kitten - Julia Roberts

TO THE FOUR PEOPLE WHO READ THIS... I'm so sorry that I have not been up to snuff with the blogging. Well, let's face it I'm super flakey. But I've been trying to take over Hollywood and I find that being a big shot producer requires much more time than my old work days that consisted of reading Perez, watching So You Think You Can Dance on youtube, online shopping and two hour lunches. That being said, I am happy to be back and this an outlet that truly makes me happy, even if my boyfriend's mom (hey Diane!) is the only person reading.

That being said...
I can't tell you how good it feels to write about a woman in Hollywood who has actually done something to deserve her fame besides showing her muff in a limo paparazzi shot. Julia Roberts is and always will be stunningly beautiful. Her style is classic and elegant and now more than ever chicly comfortable. She has an old school Ralph Lauren-meets-LL Bean-meets the Oscars nominee brunch vibe to her style that sometimes borders on 90's but always proves to be beautiful. I love her. And I hope there will be more strong, poised women in Hollywood who actually care about acting and making outstanding work that people actually want to see, without a possible reality TV show deal in the works. AMEN SISTAH FRIEND!

And here's my cheaper version:

White cropped jacket - $24.49
Boot cut Jeans - $25.00
White long tank - $7.99
Boots - $14.99
Sunglasses - $5.80
Scarf - $10.80
Bracelet - $7.80
Total for outfit - $96.87


Kimee Balmilero said...'re back!

ModDiva said...

I've been telling all my girls to catch your blog- I'm glad you're back too! I wish you could have gone to see "SATC" with Kimee and I. Glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

Aww. You missed the weird little purple handbag:

Crown Royal bag, minus the whisky that your boyfriend probably chugged and made himself look like a real jerk in front of everybody and totally embarrassed you - $26.99

kopy kitten said...

I thought it was her barf bag. Mine is tiny and purple so my bad. I didn't want to do any more positive PR for bulimia than it already has, you know what I mean?

kopy kitten said...

I thought it was her barf bag. Mine is tiny and purple so my bad. I didn't want to do any more positive PR for bulimia than it already has, you know what I mean?

kopy kitten said...

I thought it was her barf bag. Mine is tiny and purple so my bad. I didn't want to do any more positive PR for bulimia than it already has, you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

The first time you asked, I totally knew what you meant. Then, when you asked a second time, I started to doubt myself. Now, after the third time, I'm questioning everything I've ever been taught about eating disorders!

Anonymous said...

1. Hey, KK; I read your blog too.
2. I agree about Julie; she is what Hollywood women should be about, sans the "laugh".

Eric's Aunt T