Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Kopy Kitten - Heidi Klum

You gotta love the HEIDI! I am German too so I feel automatically hotter when I look at her because I'm sure our old lady ancestors somewhere down the line had blood that crossed somehow, so I mean, we're basically sisters! It doesn't even matter that she is like the only hot German I've ever seen. I'll take it! This outfit is a perfect example of why celebrities always look better than me. All she's wearing is a pair of jeans and a black shirt with a black cardigan. However, Heidi's jeans are modern, gray and skinny. Her cardigan is a current boyfriend style. And her accessories are totally up to date and funky making this average boring outfit totes cute and fashionable and acceptable for someone as glamorous as Heidi. Heidi is just unreal, she always looks amazingly beautiful and she's like 74, has 13 kids and hosts some reality show (I know it's my favorite show too, but still). And I love how she randomly showed up at the Oscars and she stole the show looking by far the best. What a bitch. Just kidding. I could never make fun of Heidi, she's my sister!

And here's my take:

Black Cardigan from Alloy - $31.50
Black V Neck T from Target - $9.99
Gray Skinny Jeans from Alloy - $44.50
Sandals from Alloy - $29.50
Fedora Hat from Forever 21 - $10.80
Black Scarf from Levi - $9.99
Black Aviators from OC Shades - $16.95
Total for Outfit - $153.23

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