Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Kopy Kitten - Rachel Bilson

I don't care if everyone is hating her bangs, I love them and if I could have anyone's style at the moment it would be this ex-Bongo ad babe's. I don't even care if she is so randomly the new fashion it girl, and she doesn't even deserve it because it's obviously just from luck and a good stylist. I said I don't care. I still love her, and I still want to be her, except maybe like 6 inches taller. Oh.

And here's my take on it:

Brown Wool Sweater from LL Bean - $49.50
G Unit Jeans from Macy*s - $68.50
LC Sunglasses from Alloy - $10.50
Brown Espadrilles from Cutesy Girl - $17.99
Total for Outfit - $146.49

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